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pastoral letter

The Coronavirus Pandemic & Its Effects On Our Lives

A Pastoral Letter from the Parish Priest

Letter 5 – 12 April 2020

Easter Sunday 2020


My dearest Friends in the Lord, 

Here I am with the 5th Pastoral Letter since we all have been caught unawares by the shock of the pandemic which has now become a world-wide tragedy.

And it is heart rending to see in the news how the death rates are rising by the day both in our nation and in the world. It is so sad! Let us all take to heart the summons to do all we can to Stay at home, Protect the NHS and Save lives as our government is daily reminding us!

Today Easter Sunday we celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead. Good Friday was not the last word. Death was not the last word. And we believe in the power of the resurrection, Covid-19 will definitely not be the last word!

There is hope in the horizon! Jesus is the light of the world. He dispels the darkness of this our very difficult present time by the light and the brilliant splendour of his resurrection. He said: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8.12)

He also said: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” And HE HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD! (John 14.6) We so much need this message at this difficult time!

As per the instructions of the archbishops, many priests are celebrating the Eucharist privately. I want you to know that I too, along with Alida, daily celebrate a private Eucharist in the Parish as an offering of prayer and praise for the nation and for the world, for our Diocese but most especially for our Parish and its People from Fillingham to Burton Waters and for each and every single one of you. So, you and your household are remembered daily by us in the private Eucharist.

I would be very grateful if local Churchwardens pass on information to the village Church communities about our Springline ‘ON-LINE CHURCH’ as some of them may not be aware of these resources on our new website.

I have also posted today a very simple sermon I had given on Easter Sunday several years ago in another Parish. I think the message is relevant also for today.

Thank you everyone for helping each other and supporting each other during this difficult time. Let us do all we can to keep safe and pray and care for each other in our families and in our communities. And may God bless us all at this time!

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all now and always.




With my kindest regards and every blessing,

Father Sebastian