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Prayers and Intercessions
in our thoughts and prayers

Jesus is alive. He is Risen.  Love has won the victory over evil and death.

We have heard in the gospel today Jesus asking us: “Who do you say I am?” and again “Take up your cross daily and follow me.” (Mark 8. 29, 34)

Dear friends, we come before God accepting Jesus as Saviour and Lord and wanting to carry the crosses of our lives in faith and love, following Jesus himself who carried his cross, was crucified and then rose again for us. We seek his grace to follow him faithfully in our lives.

After a pause for silent prayer:
Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

That the Church in this country may rediscover her origins in the Holy Spirit, following the example of the great and humble saints who evangelised this country;

that the Queen as governor of the Church and head of the government may be blessed by God’s Holy Spirit;

And that God may help the leaders of the Churches, especially those of our Diocese and Parish to listen to God’s heart and to obey His will for His people;

After a pause for silent prayer:
Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

Gracious God we pray for our children and young people who have returned to schools and centres of learning. Be with them as they do their best to overcome the constrictions and dangers of covid-19 infections and focus on their studies;

After a pause for silent prayer:
Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

We pray for the people of Afghanistan, especially those distressed and fearful in the new and difficult situations there; we pray that human rights be respected and justice be promoted in that great and ancient country;

After a pause for silent prayer:
Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

As a Church family and followers of Jesus Christ, we remember our dear ones and friends who are suffering illness at the moment, and pray especially for Diana, Mel, Don, Chris, Matt, Sophie, Poppy, Lisa, Anne, Chloe, Nadia, Margaret, Jennifer, David Keene and others we know of. We ask God now to bless and heal them with his love.

After a pause for silent prayer:
Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

Father God, we remember the lonely and those suffering stress and emotional travails; and  we pray for those who face the pain of grief at the loss of a loved one. We remember those who have died and ask that those bereaved by their passing are aware of the light of the Risen Christ which eternally shines and brings so much hope.

After a pause for silent prayer:
Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

Let us pause a moment, become aware of our breathing, relax in the presence of the Lord and humbly tell him what is deepest in our hearts for he knows us, loves us and forgives us


After a longer pause …


Father God,
we feel loved,
we feel forgiven,
we feel saved.
Thank you for Jesus Christ your Son
who died for us on the cross
and rose again from the dead
and who offers us true peace
and true hope.
Help us to hold on to him
and to follow him
the way, the truth and the life
as we entrust you our prayers
in the name of your Son Jesus Christ.


[Revd Dr ST Mattapally, Rector, Springline Parish, Diocese of Lincoln]