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Prayers and Intercessions

in our thoughts and prayers


Intercessions for the Presentation of Jesus (Candlemas) – Fourth Sunday after Epiphany – 31st January 2021

“Prayer is a plant, the seed of which is sown in the heart of every Christian.
If it is well cultivated and nourished it will produce fruit, but if it is neglected,
it will wither and die.”

Jesus is alive.
Love has won the victory over evil and death.

Let us pray:

Father God, as we keep the feast of the presentation of Jesus in the Temple, a day also referred to as ‘Candlemas Day’, we recall the day when the parents of Jesus your son presented Jesus in the temple at Jerusalem. We are reminded of our own Baptism when our parents brought us into church to be christened or when as adults we were baptised. We thank you for the gift of our faith and we bring our prayers to you through the intercession of Jesus Christ who has assured us that our prayers made in his name willed be granted by you.

After a short silence: Let us pray to the Lord: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Father, the world continues to be battered by the terrible coronavirus pandemic. Although the vaccine grants us hope for the future, we seek your blessing on us all during this time of uncertainty and grief especially for those who have lost loved ones in the past year due to covid 19. We are distressed to know of over a 100,000 have lost their lives in the past year due to this disease.

Father your Son Jesus Christ travelled through towns and villages “curing every disease and illness.” At your command, the sick were made well.

Come to our aid now, at the global spread of the coronavirus,
that we may experience your healing love.

After a short silence: Let us pray to the Lord: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Loving Father, as we in the third national lockdown, working from home or doing home learning, it is not easy for us and we need your help. We know that You are always with us. Where there is weariness, please bring Your rest; where there is hopelessness your fresh encouragement; where there is despair, bring us hope.  

After a short silence: Let us pray to the Lord: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Merciful God, we raise before you this morning those who are sad or lonely and those who are brave and patient when things are going wrong. We pray that they may be aware of your comforting presence and know that in your hands they are safe and loved. 

We also pray for those who are sick in our Parish, especially….Audrey, Diana, Mel, Valerie, Paul, Margaret Allen, Jean, Jo, Roy, Matt, Jennifer, Desirée, Christina and others we know of. Comfort and heal them, give them courage and hope in their troubles and bring them the joy of your saving love.

After a short silence: Let us pray to the Lord: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Loving and eternal God, we pray for all those who have died especially the over 100,000 people who have died due to covid-19. … we also remember Claire Scourse who passed away recently…we pray for Andy and the three children …May all who have died find rest in your peace. May all who mourn their passing find comfort and peace in faith and in love.

After a short silence: Let us pray to the Lord: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

And finally let us now pray for ourselves … let us tell the Lord what is of deepest concern in our hearts …knowing that he loves, forgives us and hears our prayer …

After a silent, longer pause… 

we feel loved,
we feel forgiven,
we feel saved.

Thank you for Jesus Christ your Son
who died for us on the cross
and rose again from the dead
and who offers us
true peace and true hope.

Help us to hold on to him
and to follow him
the way, the truth and the life
as we entrust you our prayers
in the name of your Son Jesus Christ.


[Revd Dr ST Mattapally, Rector, Springline Parish, Diocese of Lincoln]