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pastoral letter
A Pastoral Letter from the Parish Priest – 28th March 2021
My dearest Friends in the Lord,

We never thought last year that we would still be celebrating Palm Sunday under a lockdown. Can’t believe a year has passed in this surreal, yet tragically real, life under covid-19! All the more reason to celebrate the beautiful and profound mysteries of our faith!

And the week that begins with Palm Sunday is called the Holy Week. This is the most important week for us Christians, followers of Jesus! We all know that. Let us, therefore, do all we can to celebrate our faith as best as we can by renewing our promises to God who loved us so much that he gave us his own Son so that we can have eternal life through our faith in him.

We shall have a virtual Palm Sunday procession with palms at our online service! Kindly make sure to get some green branches or palms if you join us at the service.

LIVE 10.30 am on-line Parish Eucharist Service on zoom – Sunday 14th March

Father Sebastian will lead the service we will listen to the Passion Story directed by Mr John Beverley (Reader) and Dr Neill Hepburn (Reader) will give us a short sermon and we will listen to some favourite hymns.

Please bring palms or some green branches from your garden for the virtual Palm Sunday procession! If you wish to have real palms, please contact the vicarage on 01522 731793 or Mr John Campbell on 07733 276335 and we can somehow arrange it for you!

Please note that this service is streamed from the Ingham church. If you wish to attend this service physically in church and receive Communion, you can do so. We follow all covid-19 guidelines so as to protect each other and care for each other.

Download the order of service here.

You will receive an invitation to join this short online service if you are in the Parish database. If not please contact  the Springline Parish Secretary on springline 

Parish Family Service Resources from Scampton Church

Parents and kids, please visit the Scampton Church website for information about the service:

Holy Week Reflections for every day of the Holy Week

Please follow this link to read and reflect on the daily reflections for Holy Week. A wonderful resource for you to use every day of the Holy Week leading up to Easter Sunday!

Holy Week Worship Services
Sunday 2nd February
Presentation of Christ
Holy Communion
Family Service
Holy Communion
Revd Jackie Calow
Ministry Team
Revd Penny Green
Sunday 9th February
4th Before Lent
South Carlton
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
David Capps
Revd Sue Deacon
Sunday 16th February
3rd Before Lent
Holy Communion
Family Communion
Morning Prayer
All Age Worship
Revd Keith Tomlin
Revd Sue Deacon
Marilyn Small
J and A Duggan
Sunday 23rd February
2nd Before Lent
South Carlton
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Revd Penny Green
Edward Willows Chamberlain
Every Monday 10.00amScamptonHoly Communion
Revd Sue Deacon
Springline Parish on-line Home Worship Resources.

You will find a copy of this letter, the sermon for this week, prayers and worship songs etc. In addition this week, you can find two additional videos, The Springline Parish Passion Play, directed by Mr John Beverley, Reader in the Parish and footage of Mr John Campbell, formerly Dean’s Verger at Lincoln Cathedral, making palm crosses for Palm Sunday. Please follow this link to view the online Church page.

The clocks go forward on 28th March marking the starting of the British Summer time.

We will move to British Summer Time (BST) – at 1am, to be precise. The clocks will move forward an hour (remember the Americanised mantra: spring forward, fall back).

May the mystery of God’s love and mercy ring a bell in your hearts this Holy Week.

With my love and prayer to each one of you,

Father Sebastian

Revd Dr Sebastian Thomas Mattapally
Rector, Springline Parish, Diocese of Lincoln
Tel: 01522 731793   Email: