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pastoral letter
A Pastoral Letter from the Parish Priest – 14th March 2021
My dearest Friends in the Lord,

I hope you are all well in spite of the rather cold and windy weather we have had in the past week. But the early daffodils are out and the colours are returning to our gardens. Spring is just a week away! And the schools have re-opened and some semblance of normality is beginning to return. Furthermore, the approaching Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter give us cause for joy. Spring! Resurrection! New Life! And with the slow easing of the lockdown life things seem to be moving in the right direction. Let us look forward with anticipation and hope!

Happy Mothering Sunday to all!

The fourth Sunday in Lent is also known as Refreshment Sunday, Mid-Lent Sunday or Laetare Sunday. a temporarily relaxation of penitential disciplines in Lent. On Mothering Sunday we thank God and our earthly mothers for nurturing us with such love, often sacrificially. It is a day to learn from the example of love of our mothers. It is also a day to remember the sacrificial love of Christ, even as he breathed his last breath on the cross.

LIVE 10.30 am on-line Parish Eucharist Service on zoom – Sunday 14th March.

Father Sebastian will lead the service and will share stories of faith and we will listen to some favourite hymns or songs.

Please note that this service is streamed from the Ingham church. If you wish to attend this service physically in church and receive Communion, you can do so. We follow all covid-19 guidelines so as to protect each other and care for each other.

 You will receive an invitation to join this short on line service if you are in the Parish database. If not please contact  the Springline Parish Secretary on springline 

Please download the Order of service here. 

Family Service from Scampton Church.

Please visit: Scampton church

Springline Parish on-line Home Worship Resources.

You will find a copy of this letter, the sermon for this week, prayers and worship songs etc. Do visit the online church page.

“God’s Story Our Story” our Lent booklet

Those of us on the Church Electoral Roll have probably been reading and reflecting on the Lent booklet “God’s Story Our Story”, how we could share our stories of faith and love with others. Those of you who are using this booklet will remember the themes we have gone through thus far:

  • Week 1: “Catching up with God” – mission is finding out what God is doing, and joining in,
  • Week 2: “Stories of Transformation” – When Jesus met people they rarely remained the same, and in the past week,
  • Week 3: “Communicating like Jesus” – Christians are called to be witnesses to Christ in their lives and speech. Let me also include next week’s theme:
  • Week 4: “Sharing the Story” – when we have really good news, it is natural to want to share it.

The Lent booklet “God’s Story Our Story” continues to help us to reflect on our own story of faith and how we might share it with others. The evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote the four gospels in the New Testament and shared the life-changing “Good News” of Jesus with us. The wrote four gospels! You and I could write the “Fifth Gospel” – by sharing the good news of Jesus with our lives!

The Springline Parish – Nine Churches, One Parish, Following Jesus.

The Church exists to assist you in your spiritual search, to comfort you in your cares and worries, to support you and walk with you. We believe that Jesus is The True Answer to all our questions and problems, the one who can fill the emptiness and restlessness in our hearts, the One who can help us heal our world! Do help us to help you where we can!

I wish you a fruitful and holy Season of Lent, our 40-day journey of return to God!

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and always.

Take care! Keep safe! Help the NHS! Save lives! And God bless you!

With my love and prayer to each one of you,

Father Sebastian

Revd Dr Sebastian Thomas Mattapally
Rector, Springline Parish, Diocese of Lincoln
Tel: 01522 731793   Email: