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Prayers and Intercessions
in our thoughts and prayers

Jesus is alive. He is Risen.  Love has won the victory over evil and death.

Jesus says (John 14:27): Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Dear friends, we come before God to pray for ourselves and our world, recognising the urgency of our mission as Christians in the world, and asking for the grace to discern God’s will for us today in these uncertain and bewildering times.  

After a pause for silent prayer: Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

That the Church in this country may rediscover her origins in the Holy Spirit, that the Queen as governor of the Church and head of the government may be blessed by God’s Holy Spirit;

After a pause for silent prayer: Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

That God may help the leaders of the Churches especially our archbishops Justin and Stephen, our Bishops Christopher, David and Nicholas, the Assistant Bishops and all the priests, deacons, readers and authorised lay ministers;

After a pause for silent prayer: Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

That politicians and those in government may work for the common good at all levels and that the present Covid-19 crisis and social problems be resolved urgently and peacefully for the good of this nation and the world;

After a pause for silent prayer: Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

That at this critical time, we as Christians may understand the mission of Jesus afresh and may seek to be his collaborators and participants in the world around us, that we may have a new vision for God’s Kingdom, that we may be open to the Holy Spirit’s power and grace to influence our neighbourhoods and communities with the love, compassion and ‘good news’ of Christ;

After a pause for silent prayer: Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

Gracious God we raise before you now, those on our prayer list. May Christ your living Word bring them comfort, wholeness and healing. We especially bring before you in faith Diana Scammell, Mel Deacon, Don Whyles, Chris Howard, Chris Kenny, Matt, Sophie, Lisa Smith, Anne, Margaret, Christina, Jennifer, David Keene and others we know of.

After a pause for silent prayer: Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

We also pray for those whose hearts have been saddened by the death of someone dear to them and for those whose anniversary we recall, trusting in the promise of your word of Life Eternal fulfilled through your son Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit.

A longer pause …then,

Lord, in your mercy.
All       hear our prayer.

After a pause …

Father God,
we feel loved,
we feel forgiven,
we feel saved.
Thank you for Jesus Christ your Son
who died for us on the cross
and rose again from the dead
and who offers us true peace
and true hope.
Help us to hold on to him
and to follow him
the way, the truth and the life
as we entrust you our prayers
in the name of your Son Jesus Christ.


[Revd Dr ST Mattapally, Rector, Springline Parish, Diocese of Lincoln]