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Due to holidays there is no pastoral letter this week

16 August 2020

Tenth Sunday after Trinity


Greetings Everybody,

Slowly life is beginning to return to some form of normality, but perhaps life will never be quite the same again, however, we are slowly moving forward within The Springline Parish:

  • Although the lockdown has been a very difficult time for us all, it has undoubtedly brought our communities closer together.
  • We have established a new form of worship using Zoom.
  • A weekly bulletin has been circulated to our database.
  • Our church insurance has been reviewed, allowing us to make substantial cost savings.
  • An online giving page has been established (
  • South Carlton Church has been rewired, Burton is planning to install a toilet and kitchenette and the PCC has continued.
Zoom Sunday Services

Sunday church services are resuming on 30th August with an Open Air United Parish Service at North Carlton at 10.30 am and our new service pattern will then begin from Sunday 6th September and will include a monthly Zoom Service

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting which was scheduled for April will now take place on 15th October at 7pm although the location and style of the meeting (physical virtual or a combination of both) is still to be decided.

The Village Venture will be returning in printed format for September. The current online issue can be viewed right here.

Due to the holiday season, there is no Pastoral Letter this week but Weekly Intercessions and Order of Service for our Sunday online service are here on the website.


See you on Sunday Morning!


Kind Regards

John Moore
Secretary to The Springline Parish PCC