Late Summer 2021 Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity – 12th September ‘21
My dearest Friends in the Lord,
Here we are again! Days are flying! We are in the last days of Summer. Autumn is imminent. Life is getting back to something of normality. But the covid-19 infection rates are still very high! We just have to be careful and vigilant and be responsible and take care of each other!
Let me update you with some of the happenings in the Diocese and Parish.
1. Church Types – Resourcing Sustainable Church: Time to Change Together
The first stage of the Church Types exercise is nearly over. Every church in Greater Lincolnshire will have thought and prayed and talked about what they believe God is calling them to be and to offer to the flourishing of the Kingdom.
By 30 September every church should have completed the questionnaire and submitted it. You can do it online (the easiest and best way) or on a paper version. You can find the form with supporting resources on the diocesan website – – or contact if you are stuck. As you’ll have seen, the questionnaire is in three parts: contact information – the type you believe you are called to be – some background information to help future conversations.
2. Church Types: sign up for a webinar – 15th & 16th September
To book your space at this free event, follow the relevant registration link. You will then receive an email from Zoom with a personalised meeting link:
Wednesday 15 September – 11.00am for one hour: Click here to register
Thursday 16 September – 7.00pm for one hour: Click here to register
These webinars are open to all churchwardens, PCC Secretaries and ministers, lay and ordained, who are leading the collaborative process of thinking and praying about church types. It is clearly of particular value to those who have, for one reason or another, not yet completed the exercise.
This webinar is to try to give a helping hand in the last two weeks of the process.
3. All Saints Church Ingham Tea and Cake Afternoon on 18th September 2 – 4pm.
Do come along and join for tea and cake and hear about plans to adapt the church building to be community friendly and accessible.
4. “We’re back! The Springline Choir”– Brattleby Concert Friday 1st October at 7.30 pm
Please e mail John Moore for tickets or call him on 07974076056 from Wednesday 15th
5. Harvest Services in the Parish…
Please see the Church Services Plan for October for the harvest services in our Parish.
6. Next on line zoom Parish Communion is on 10th October and will be streamed from All Saints Church at 10.30 am.
Parish Reader Dr Neill Hepburn will preach and Fr Sebastian will preside at the service streamed from Ingham church.
7. Do you have a faith story and would you like to share what God has done for you to others?
Please call 01522 731793 or to contact a member of the Ministry Team or your Churchwarden please do use link: Contact – Springline Parish
8. Springline Parish on-line Home Worship Resources.
You will find a copy of this letter, the sermon for this week, prayers and worship songs etc. Do visit
We need a centre of calm and peace – Christ is the Still Point of the Turning World!
We all need a centre of peace and calm, joy and strength. Where do we find that centre of calm, that compass that shows us the way to follow in the storms of life? How do we chart our life course? Carl Schurz has these beautiful words “Ideals are like the stars: we never reach them, but like the mariners of the sea, we chart our course by them.” For us Christians that supreme ideal and goal is Jesus Christ. He is the compass. We can chart our course by following Jesus Christ ‘the way, the truth and the life!’
In the hustle and bustle of life Jesus is the point of calm, the compass to guide us through stormy waters of life! Things may not have worked out as you wished but turning to Jesus Christ can make all the difference for you in your life!
A Prayer for blessings on the diocesan restructuring plans
Almighty God, source of our hope and all good things;
you call us in love to share in the work of creation in making all things new.
Bless our diocese: may we be faithful in our worship;
confident in our discipleship; and joyful in our service;
that, through us, the world may catch a glimpse of the love you have for each one of us,
made known to us in your son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
A prayer for our Parish and Church
Abba Father, purify my Parish Community in the precious blood of Jesus
and fill my Church and Parish with your Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Springline Parish – Nine Churches, One Parish, Following Jesus.
The Church exists to assist you in your spiritual search, to comfort you in your cares and worries, to support you and walk with you. We believe that Jesus is The True Answer to all our questions and problems, the one who can fill the emptiness and restlessness in our hearts, the One who can help us heal our world! Do help us to help you where we can!
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and always.
With my love and prayer to each one of you,
Father Sebastian
Revd Dr Sebastian Thomas Mattapally
Rector, Springline Parish, Diocese of Lincoln
Tel: 01522 731793 Email: