A Pastoral Letter from the Parish Priest – 7th February 2021
My dearest Friends in the Lord,
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby says: “Prayer is at the heart of our Christian life. If we want to see things changed, it starts with prayer. It starts with a new spirit of prayer, using all the traditions, ancient and modern. It comes from Christians seeking Christ.” Our Springline Parish continues to minister to people during this pandemic.
LIVE 10.30 am on-line Parish Communion Service on zoom – Sunday 7th February.
Please note that this service is streamed from the Ingham church and anyone wishing to attend this service physically in church and receive Communion is welcome to do so. Father Sebastian will lead and preach at the service and Mr John Campbell, formerly Dean’s Verger at the cathedral, will also share a short faith story and we will listen to some favourite hymns or songs.
You will receive an invitation to join this short on line service if you are in the Parish database. If not please contact the Springline Parish Secretary on springline springlinepcc@btinternet.com
Please download the Order of service here.
LIVE 10.15 am Family Service on zoom from Scampton Church.
Please visit: Scampton church www.scamptonchurch.org
Springline Parish on-line Home Worship Resources.
You will find a copy of this letter, the sermon for this week and prayers etc. on our online church page.
Ash Wednesday Service 17th February 2021, 4pm Scampton Church
In an article in the Church Times 22nd January on Lent and Easter guidance, we read: “The imposition of ashes will be permitted during Ash Wednesday services next month, with precautions, for Church of England churches that are open for public worship during the current lockdown, new guidelines states.”
“Hot Potatoes for Lent!” – Lent Course 2021 – Looking Ahead
Last year on 3rd March we had begun the Lent Course and hardly had we finished two sessions the national lockdown was announced and we had to suspend the course. However, we are happy to announce that Revd John Leach who led the course has agreed to take the remaining three sessions of the course beginning on 24th February via zoom.
The two sessions of last year were “Hard questions and how not to answer them!” and “Why should we believe in God?” The remaining sessions are the following:
24th February Do all roads lead to God?
3rd March What happens when we die?
10th March Why does God allow suffering?
For any queries please contact Mr John Walsh 01522 520350.
Audio versions of last year’s two Lent Course sessions are also available for your to listen. Please contact Parish Secretary by email: springlinepcc@btinternet.com
“Live Lent – God’s Story Our Story”
If you are on the Electoral Roll of the Springline Parish you will receive the Church of England’s Lent Campaign booklet for 2021. This booklet invites each of us to reflect daily during the five weeks of Lent on our own story of God and how we might share it through our everyday lives.
The Right Revd Christopher Lowson returns as Bishop of Lincoln
The bishops of Lincoln, Grimsby and Grantham write to the diocese to announce Bishop Christopher’s return to ministry as Bishop of Lincoln. Use the link below:
“Jesus is The Light that shines in the darkness”
Since an year now we have been in the clutch of the terrible covid-19 pandemic and we are almost feeling like strangers in a strange land….cut off as it were from our normal and safe lives….and as if that were not enough, we now hear of new and more dangerous variants that seem to be mutating again and again …
As Christians we are not beaten or overcome by the darkness of evil of all kinds or death in the world. Jesus Christ defeated death and darkness on the cross and then rose from the dead! As we read in the gospel of this Sunday, John chapter 1, verse 5 Jesus, “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”
The Springline Parish – Nine Churches, One Parish, Following Jesus.
The Church exists to assist you in your spiritual search, to comfort you in your cares and worries, to support you and walk with you. And we believe that Jesus is The True Answer to all our questions and problems, the one who can fill the emptiness and restlessness in our hearts. Please help us to help you where we can!
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and always.
Take care! Keep safe! Stay home! Help the NHS! Save lives! And God bless you!
Father Sebastian
Revd Dr Sebastian Thomas Mattapally
Rector, Springline Parish, Diocese of Lincoln
Tel: 01522 731793 Email: rector.springline@gmail.com