A Pastoral Letter from the Parish Priest – 17th January 2021
My dearest Friends in the Lord,
Here is me again and I hope you are all safe and well and have had a bit of snow as well. But as I write snow has turned into slush and these days there is danger of ice and slippery roads. Please be careful when you take your dog out for the daily walk.
LIVE 10.30 am on-line Parish Communion Service on zoom – Sunday 17th Jan.
Please note that this service is broadcast from the Ingham church and anyone wishing to attend this service physically in church and receive Communion is welcome to do so.
We wish to assure you that we follow all the covid-19 guidelines including social distancing, wearing of face coverings etc.
Fr Sebastian will preside and preach briefly at this service. Mr Charlie Hebborn, Head Teacher of Scampton Church of England Primary School, will also speak at the service.
You will receive an invitation to join this short on-line service if you are in the Parish database. If you are not on the email list and wish to join please contact the Springline Parish Secretary on: springlinepcc@btinternet.com
Please download the Order of service here.
Springline Parish on-line Home Worship Resources.
You will find a copy of this letter, the sermon for this week and prayers etc. at the online church page.
You will also find resources in the Scampton Church website.
Please visit: Scampton church www.scamptonchurch.org
Just a thought, a small meditation!
For most of us, the covid-19 lockdowns have forced us to re-adjust our daily lives. We are suddenly faced with having to live within restricted areas and do limited things. No more pubs, no more going to the cinemas, no more visiting friends, no more travelling for a holiday and so on! But there is one thing no one can take away from us, not even coronavirus! And that is the infinite capacity we have in our hearts to love. We are stretched to the limits but love opens a door. I quite like the following quotations. Hope they are useful to you as well.
- “You are rewarded not according to your work or your time but according to the measure of your love.” (Saint Catherine of Siena)
- “Love is difficult, but it is all we have.” (Dorothy Day)
- “For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” (Saint Paul)
- “Where there is the greatest love there are always miracles.” (Willa Cather)
- “At the end of our life, we shall be judged by just how much we have loved.” (St John of the Cross)
Furthermore, speaking of love in its deepest dimensions, made as we are for love, we have however a built-in emptiness within our hearts that only God can really fill. We have probably heard Saint Augustine’s famous words: “Our hearts are made for thee O God and they shall never rest until they rest in thee.”
The Springline Parish
Has the vision statement: Nine Churches, One Parish, Following Jesus. The Church exists to assist you in your spiritual search. And we believe that Jesus is the Answer to all our questions and problems, the one who can fill the emptiness and restlessness in our hearts. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” (John 3.16)
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and always.
Take care! Keep safe! Stay at home!
With my love and prayer to each one of you,
Father Sebastian
Revd Dr Sebastian Thomas Mattapally
Rector, Springline Parish, Diocese of Lincoln
Tel: 01522 731793 Email: rector.springline@gmail.com