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Springline Parish

‘Alpha’ and other Study Groups

‘Alpha’ and other Study Groups


We hold an annual Alpha Course in the Parish.

You may or may not have heard of this course. Alpha Course refers to a nine weeks course to explore your life and faith. What is life? What happens after death? Why are we here on earth? Is there something more to life than just ‘here’? who is God? Who is Jesus Christ? What is the Holy Spirit? What is Prayer? What is the Church? Why do we become Christians and what does that mean?

These and similar questions are presented and discussed in an informal setting of friendship and support after a warm evening meal. A great opportunity for enquirers! For information about the Alpha Course available, please log on to

Lent and Advent Course

Lent is that time of the year, five weeks or so after beginning on Ash Wednesday, when we give an extra focus on our lives on earth and do a bit of spiritual ‘Spring cleaning’.

We prepare to celebrate the passion, crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter. One of the ways of doing this is to join a group who meets once a week during the five weeks of Lent to meet and share with each other our thoughts and concerns in the context of a particular theme. Often there is a cd or a video that precedes these discussions.

House Group

A group of Christians meet on Wednesday afternoons to explore their faith.

These informal meetings take the form of looking at a video or a bit from the Bible and then chewing it over. Chat takes us in all kinds of directions.

We find that spending time with others helps to deepen our faith and discover more. Somebody always has something useful to share … and we enjoy it!

Meetings are held in our homes and anybody is welcome.

If you would like more information, contact John Beverley (01522 730752).

No experience necessary.


Hot Potatoes!
Lent Course 2021 – Hard Life Questions

The popular Lent Course in the Springline Parish, abruptly suspended due to the coronavirus last year, re-started online by zoom on Wednesday 24th February at 7pm.

The Revd John Leach, former Growing Disciples Officer, Diocese of Lincoln, completed the remaining three sessions. The audio versions of the sessions are available for those who wish to listen to them.

The topics of the Lent Course sessions were the following:

If you wish to listen to the talks, please use files above for your reading, reflection and prayer.


If you have queries and would like to discuss any issue regarding the above topics, please contact : 

Mr John Beverley (Reader)on 01522 730752 or by email

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Instant access to Prayer

Prayer guidance from the Church of England is available from the links below

Morning Prayer

Evening Prayer