Springline Parish

Welcome to the Springline Parish Diocese of Lincoln.
It is a great joy to welcome you to the Springline Parish website: “Nine Churches, One Parish, Following Jesus.”
Although geographically close to the North of the city of Lincoln, we consider ourselves a rural parish extending from Burton Waters to Fillingham. Nine villages but actually twelve communities!
We are an Anglican Parish in the Church of England. We seek God. We follow Jesus Christ. We want to serve people. We exist for you and wish to help you encounter and experience God’s real and personal love for you in your life.
As the Italian poet Dante wrote: “In His will is our Peace.” All that we do as a Church we do so as followers of Jesus Christ, Christians. We just want to share with you the ‘Good News’ of love, life, love and hope that Jesus came to give us. As Jesus himself said: “I have come that you may have life and have it in all its abundance.” (John 10.10)
Please visit our giving page giving.springlineparish.co.uk if you would like to make a donation to promote God’s work through the Church’s mission and ministry in our village communities.
May God’s Holy Spirit touch your heart as you browse through the pages of this website. If there is anything you wish to enquire about please feel free to do so – and happy browsing!
God bless you.

A word from the Rural Dean
There is a spirit of movement about in the diocese at the moment. Bishop Stephen spoke to a cathedral full of newly elected churchwardens and hundreds of voices replied that they were ready to serve our churches and our communities.
You have a big job to do, defining how these eight churches are going to work together. Your representatives have met with the Covenant Pastors, and there was a great discussion about how your churches are going to contribute to the costs of ministry. Clergy and others from across the deanery have been coming to lead and share in worship with you, with remarkably few hiccups, and lots of good experiences on both sides.
The Time To Change Together process is going really well – every one of our 630 churches has prayerfully decided its vocation to serve local people and the wider kingdom; nearly every one of the clergy has had a conversation with the Bishops and Archdeacons about how they’d like to serve God in our churches and the new ways of working.
Over 50% of churches have pledged how much they believe God is calling them to put into the common pot and it is more than we dared to hope; we’ve set up new partnerships between deaneries and are nearly ready to roll out Local Mission Partnerships – groups of churches and ministers that collaborate and work together – we will probably be about 25 of us churches and slightly more than that of ministers.
So what is the best thing we can do together? What should Springline be doing? Here are a few thoughts. Getting your buildings in good shape to welcome visitors and all kinds of activities, and to present worship and offer fellowship and a sensational spiritual experience in the best possible way.
Pray constantly. Share in your welcome and your gifting and your visiting and your working together. The future is not “this is the building and the handful of people I enjoy occasionally on a Sunday”.
Those churches are not full of hope and they are not doing what Christ tells us in the Gospels. Seek fellowship with each other and seek to live close to God through love of the Lord Jesus and a desire to model ourselves on him. Dig deep – into your pockets, into your hearts and into your energy to proclaim the good news.
We aren’t a heritage organisation, and we aren’t a social club, we are the church, the body of Christ, the Lord’s eyes and ears and hands and feet and tongue. Our diocese is committed to supporting you with a wonderful array of ministry, some local and some from further afield, some lay and some ordained, some pastoral and some prophetic, some comforting and some challenging.
The New Creation we celebrated at Easter is a call to us all. With realistic and affordable resources we cannot rush about pretending each church is alive and well – we have to focus on those with a heart to do the Lord’s work with joy, to share, to be bold, to be generous.
Don’t be amongst those “timorous mortals shivering on the brink”, hanging onto the familiar for its own sake, barricading their faith in their buildings, staying put and not joining together, waiting gloomily for the death of the church rather than giving it new life. They will be gone in a few years
– God is calling you to so much more.

Rota of Church Services
Church Services for March 2025
Date | Time | Place | Service | Officiant |
Sunday 2nd March | 9.00am 10.15am 10.30am | Ingham Scampton Burton | Holy Communion Family Service Holy Communion | |
Wednesday 5th March Ash Wednesday | 7.00pm | Burton | Holy Communion | |
Sunday 9th March Lent 1 | 9.30am 10.30am | South Carlton Brattlby | Morning Prayer Holy Communion | |
Sunday 16th March Lent 2 | 9.00am 10.15am 10.30am 10.30am | Cammeringham Scampton Burton Ingham | Holy Communion Family Communion Morning Prayer All Age Worship | |
Sunday 23rd March Lent 3 | 9.00am 10.30am | South Carlton Ingham | Holy Communion Morning Prayer | |
Sunday 30th March Mothering Sunday | 10.30am | Scampton | United Parish Communion | |
Every Monday | 10.00am | Scampton | Holy Communion |