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pastoral letter

The Coronavirus Pandemic & Our Part in its Downfall

A Pastoral Letter from the Parish Priest

Letter 22 – 9 August 2020

Ninth Sunday after Trinity

Hello Everyone,


What have Christians ever done for us? Well I suppose they have done one or two good things. Here’s an abbreviated summary:

  • The Church pioneered free healthcare and is the largest single provider of healthcare in the world.
  • Almost all schools were church founded before the state took over. Christians established the first universities. The church is still the largest single provider of education in the world. The church went to the poor and the slums to establish schools when education was only available for the wealthy …
  • Christians are pioneers of social work. The first orphanages were churches and Barnardos is the world’s largest orphanage system … Fostering was developed by Christians. Churches pioneered the first homes for the elderly and the first homes for the disabled in society.

We often forget this (and the need for Christians) because the state has taken over so much of the responsibility. A disproportionately high number of Christians still work in those areas. But there’s more:

  • Campaigning for prison reform (Quakers)
  • Surprisingly, many scientists are Christians (well over a third of Nobel winners in the sciences declare a faith in God – more than in any of the other Nobel prize areas).
  • Leading society to abolish the slave trade (Wilberforce and the church) …
  • Temperance Movement to address alcohol abuse in society and Alcoholics (and Narcotics) Anonymous …
  • Leading society to adopt “fair trade” through Christian relief organisations like Tearfund, Christian Aid, Oxfam and CAFOD,.
  • Worked to legislate for much social and compassionate stuff such as cancelling debt in third world countries, decent working conditions, abolition of child labour …
  • Modern day Christian initiatives include Foodbank (at a church near you!), Street Pastors, Christians Against Poverty …
  • About 75% of Christians do voluntary work at least once a month compared to 26% of the general population.
  • And much, much more …

Homeless and Hungry

Why? We pray, “Your will be done on earth as in heaven.” And the way God chooses to answer that prayer is to have us be his hands, his feet, his ears, his eyes, and his mouth. Throughout history Christians have responded to disasters, plagues, injustice. They haven’t said, “This is a sign that God is calling us to repent for our sinful ways,” or “This is a sign that God is going to destroy the world,” or “It’s God’s judgement on you.” Those are actually unbiblical!

They have worked for God to put the world back on track to how God designed it. They have worked with drug addicts in Hong Kong (Jackie Pullinger) or poverty in Calcutta (Mother Teresa) or fed the hungry (Christian Aid, Foodbank).

Our Christian response to the pandemic must be to work to restore God’s good plan. Remember the story Jesus tells about the goats and the sheep? Those who fed the hungry, gave water to the thirsty, hospitality, clothing, visiting, healing were the ones who received the inheritance of heaven.

Following the Zoom service last week and the request to support Foodbank, how many of us did that?

Restore God’s creation. Be the answer to “Your will be done on earth as in heaven.” Support Foodbank every time you go shopping. Give money to Christian Aid who are struggling to meet needs brought about by COVID in poor countries ( Sort out the clothes you don’t need and give them to the Salvation Army (collection point outside Ingham Village Hall). Check up on your neighbours. And pray for those in need and those who help them.

“Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance …”

News of how our services in church will restart (in September) will be around soon.

Please don’t forget that you can give to church online. You can visit our giving page  if you would like to make a donation to promote God’s work through the Church in our village communities.

God bless you all

Revd. Sue Deacon